
Welcome to Meet Teh Harts! This is a Legacy challenge, following the rules of Pinstar's Legacy challenge. You can find full info on Rules, scoring, and all that jazz here.

There are some rules of the challenge that everyone is required to abide by. However, there is also some rules for customization. You can read how I'm playing below.

Succession Laws: 

Equality: The Founder may be of either gender. Both boys and girls are eligible for the title of heir.

Traditional: Children who are naturally born from the previous generation are eligible to be named heir. Adopted children are ineligible to be named heir unless there are no naturally born children, at which point they become eligible for that generation.

Random: The title of heir is randomly selected from the pool of all eligible children. Every time the eligible pool changes size, The heir must be re-rolled using the new pool.

I wanted to make this challenge for future heirs as fair as possible, so I decided for equality. Both boys and girls children can be considered as heir.

I like the traditional way of doing things. Any children that are naturally born are automatically entered into the pool. However, in the case of heirs that prefer same sex partners, I have decided to keep adopted children as an option to heir, if no naturally produced children are an option.

And finally, random. I will assign each potential heir a number and use random.org to decide for me. This will be chosen after the first born reaches adulthood.

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